LaTeX editor 128

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Interactive Content

A section on interactive content was not included in the original version of this paper. After gaining some experience mathlab using Maple to teach laptop sophomore differential equations for the last year, it seems appropriate to include this material now.

Computer Algebra Systems

Each student must have access to the external application. WebCT can usefully serves as a distribution and collection point for worksheets and as a place where students and instructors can discuss their work.

LaTeX editor size="2" color="#000000"> Maple provides for the solution of complex science and engineering problems using state-of-the-art symbolic and numerical solvers and visualization tools. Users can document their work with standard technical word processing capabilities including the presentation of mathematical expressions in standard form. In partnership with the Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG), Maple 6 includes an extensive set of NAG solvers for computational linear algebra. With IEEE 754 standards compliance and arbitrary precision numerics, Maple 6 delivers both flexibility and accuracy.

Chemical equation software
Scientific software

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