LaTeX equation editor 140

Paragraph about LaTeX equation editor

- Mary Miller suggested that we offer to assist in mentoring students who attend the Annual Meeting, including helping to host the scholarship winners, Equation editor etc.

- Mary also hopes to get the Careers Booklet on the Web site once she can figure out how to do it.

Action Items:

- Discuss student fees and joint membership fees with APHA.

- Discuss possible role for NIOSH/ERCs.

- Identify an OHS membership committee member to liaison with the Student Caucus.

- Scientific software Put the Careers Booklet on the Web site.

- Constant reminders to Section members for membership outreach (the membership committee should probably develop a little guidance for that — maybe APHA membership or other staff could assist).


Spring Into Safety: Youth Safety Campaign Kicks off Nationwide
by Colleen Baker, Missouri Division of Labor Standards and Young Worker Committee co-chair

Scientific software
LaTeX equation

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