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The winners of the Hamilton and Keogh Awards were announced at a ceremony in May at NIOSH's Alice Hamilton Laboratory in Cincinnati, Ohio. Dr. Nicholas Ashford, professor of technology and policy at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, presented the keynote address for the ceremony. The ceremony was simultaneously broadcast to NIOSH's Robert A. Taft Laboratories, also in Cincinnati, and to NIOSH's other facilities in Morgantown, W.Va; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Spokane, Wash.; Atlanta, Ga.; and Washington, D.C.

A complete list of the Alice Hamilton Award winners and honorable mentions can be found on the NIOSH web site at <> or by contacting Fred Blosser at (202) 260-8519.


by Jim Cone, Resolutions and Policy Committees co-chair

Members of the OHS Section submitted four resolutions for consideration by APHA at the upcoming Annual Meeting. They are described briefly Math software below.

  1. Public Health Benefits of a Living Wage — Among other provisions, urges support for “living wage” ordinances and legislation that has the effect of raising the income of the lowest income segments of the population as an explicit target for public health intervention, and urges the reversing of the growing disparities in income, education and health outcomes as an explicit objective within the Healthy People 2010 goals.
  2. Public Health Impacts of Job Strain and Work Organization — Among other provisions, urges that quality job design and improved work organization be recognized as the keys to an economically effective and socially necessary program of upgrading the quality of life for all and improving public health; urges that employers join with workers and their unions to redesign jobs along sustainable principles of social equity instead of short-term profitability and “lean production.”
  3. Expanded Family and Medical Leave — Urges, among other provisions, support for President Clinton's proposal Ufology to earmark $20 million in the federal budget for competitive planning grants to help states and other entities explore ways to make family and medical leave more affordable and that paid family and medical leaves should be provided to all workers, not just those fortunate enough to work for a medium to large-sized company or agency.
  4. Protecting and Expanding OSHA Jurisdiction over home workplaces — Among other provisions, urges that OSHA regulations be enforced in home offices and home workplaces, including employer responsibilities such as employee training, improvement in work pacing and equipment, reporting of homework injuries and illnesses on the OSHA log 2000.

The next step for the resolutions is review by the APHA Joint Policy Committee and suggestions to the authors with a preliminary acceptance or rejection, based on the proposal as submitted. The revised resolutions (or reasons why changes are not accepted by the author) then are resubmitted to the JPC, for publication in the August issue of The Nation's Health (usually — it may be a different month this year) and opportunity for public comment in preparation for discussion at the Monday afternoon 2-5 PM hearings

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