LaTeX equation editor 15

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MathType 4 can also be used to translate mathematical expressions into Latex Once the expression has been generated in the WYSIWYG MathType 4 environment, it can be copied onto the clipboard and then into your favorite Latex editor. Design Science, the company that produces MathType 4, provides a free product called TeXaide . TeXaide has the same Equation editor functionality as the Equation Editor found in Word but produces TeX or Latex output which can be pasted into your favorite TeX/Latex editor.

Generating Content: Scientific Notebook to PDF

Scientific Notebook 3.5 was released on June 2, 2000. Scientific Notebook is one of a suite of products from MacKichan Software, Inc. This suite consists of Scientific Notebook, Scientific Workplace, Scientific software and Scientific Word. Scientific Notebook is a WYSIWYG authoring environment. Mathematics can be entered using standard notation. Scientific Notebook documents are saved in Latex format. Generating our example using Scientific Notebook produced scinotebk.tex (2KB), whose content can be viewed by looking at the text file scinotebk.txt . Selecting the Distiller in the Print menu of Scientific Notebook, scinotebk.tex was converted into scinotebk.pdf (12KB). The PDFWriter option did not embed the special Scientific Notebook fonts, so the Distiller choice was necessary to make the document portable. Compare this file to wordpdfwriter.pdf and winedt.pdf and note that Scientific Notebook uses the Arial font for text by default.

Scientific software
LaTeX equation

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