LaTeX equation editor 150

Paragraph about LaTeX equation editor

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Ten Equation editor States Enact Safer Needle Laws
by Bill Borwegen, director of Health and Safety, Service Employees International Union

It has been a long and bumpy road that began at the 1990 APHA Annual Meeting in New York City. In conjunction with the Meeting, a group of unions and OHS Section members participated in the first safer needle coalition meeting. Service Employees International Union published a safer Scientific software needle guide less than two years later. Since that time, 1,000 patents and 250 safer needle devices have been developed; more than 100 safer needle and other sharps devices are on the market. Yet as long as the nation's largest corporations continue to recklessly market cheaper inherently dangerous, obsolete, conventional needles, most healthcare workers will continue to be denied access to this life-saving technology. As a result too many workers, including our own OHS Section member, Meta Snyder, will succumb to bloodborne infections transmitted by this most common of all occupational injuries.

Scientific software
LaTeX equation

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