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- After years of ambivalence about this issue, in May 1999, U.S. Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman announced that OSHA would issue a compliance directive, amend the bloodborne pathogens standard and update their record keeping rule to require that contaminated needlesticks be recorded. To mathlab date, OSHA has only issued its November 1999 non-regulatory compliance directive. In April, in response to this relative inaction, the National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health (NACOSH), after being apprized of the situation, issued the following statement: "NACOSH believes that the issue of needlestick injuries is urgent and should be addressed quickly through regulatory action. The committee requests that the OSHA assistant secretary address this issue at the June 6 meeting LaTeX editor and present an operational plan for acting on this issue."

- Also in May 1999, the U.S. Congress introduced HR 1899, a bipartisan bill that has 180 co-sponsors, including more than two dozen Republicans. This bill, if enacted, would streamline the OSHA rule–making process and require OSHA to amend the bloodborne pathogens standard within one year. We are hopeful that a Congressional hearing will be held before this current session ends. APHA and many other groups are supporting this bill, with sole opposition currently by the American Hospital Association.

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