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The Occupational Health (OH) program is designed for physicians, nurses and other health professionals who work in occupational health programs or clinics. The 2-year, part-time program will provide the academic year required for board certification in preventive medicine/occupational medicine. The 36-hour curriculum includes study in biostatistics, Equation editor epidemiology, health services management and administration, environmental health, toxicology and occupational health.

The Occupational Health and Safety Management (OHSM) program is designed for mid-career occupational health and safety or industrial hygiene professionals, who seek to expand management options. The 36-hour curriculum provides study in four areas: health and safety principles and issues; data analysis for management decision making; behavioral aspects of the workplace; and management. It integrates Scientific software management principles as applied to health and safety.

These 2-year, interactive programs are the only truly synchronous (real-time, live interaction) distance MPH programs available. MPH students attend real time class over the Internet by logging onto CAEPH's Web site and receiving audio broadcast from the instructor with corresponding screens and teaching aids. Each course is broadcast in the evening (usually once a week) for 2-3 hours with breaks for questions and discussion. A delayed Web site replay may also be accessed. A sense of community and collaboration is facilitated with group assignments, networking, on-line chat rooms, bulletin boards, conference calls and e-mail.

Scientific software
LaTeX equation

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