LaTeX editor 98

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In any case, there is an overlapping cast of characters for all the groups mentioned in the previous paragraph; most are listed at the previously noted site HTML-Math .

There are computer algebra systems with notebook-like front each, each of which would presumably be delighted to see its own technology adopted for the representation and computation of mathematics. Even the most ambitious of these today would have to be extended in semantic mathlab scope before being using for computing in all the areas that can be (easily) typeset. Here are a few systems with Notebooks: Mathematica , Maple and Mathview , Macsyma , Axiom which is supposed to link nicely with IBM's TechExplorer and MuPAD , a research project at Paderborn University. There are also broad interests in computer algebra and display at LaTeX editor Project SAFIR at INRIA (France) . These and other computer algebra systems or projects are mentioned with links in the SymbolicNet listing of systems . An ambitious project that began as a communication protocol design for distributed scientific computing, the MP or Multi Protocol at Kent State is designed to support efficient communication of mathematical data between scientifically-oriented software packages. MP exchanges data in the form of linearized annotated syntax trees. At a level above the data exchange protocol, dictionaries provide definitions for operators, symbolic constants, and annotations. Binary encodings are used.

Chemical equation software
Scientific software

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