Math software 127

Paragraph about Math software

The document winedt-scinotebk.tex generated above was used to test the addition of mathematical expressions in TEX format to discussions messages and mail messages. The following lines were copied Math software into the message textbox

the blank second line was replaced with the contents of winedt-scinotebk.tex, and the message was previewed. This process was repeated for a short answer quiz question by pasting into the quiz question textbox. The resulting display of the mathematics again looked fine. The IBM techexplorer plugin must be loaded to view the embedded Latex content.

The embed tag can also be used to insert a PDF document or MathML markup in an HTML document. Using the HEIGHT=100% and WIDTH=100% attribute/value pairs makes it easy to embed an entire document. In the case of mathematical expressions in MathML format, there will be an embed tag for each expression and some experimentation will have to be done with the HEIGHT and WIDTH values for each expression. The IBM techexplorer plugin must be loaded to view the embedded MathML content. Also, note that the attribute TEXDATA must be changed to MMLDATA.

LaTeX editor
Equation editor

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