LaTeX editor 138

Paragraph about LaTeX editor

We can also submit articles to the PHSC newsletter, either about our Section, our scholarship fund, or pertinent OHS issues. Currently the main way we interact with students officially mathlab is through the mentoring program sponsored by the Public Health Student Caucus and the Scholarship Fund.

The PHSC usually contacts all the Sections to recruit potential mentors. In the past that information has been circulated to the leadership roster and possibly the OSHAlert; now that we have a listserv that would probably be the better location for recruiting for this.

The LaTeX editor Scholarship Fund brings students to the Annual Meeting. The program planners this year (and hopefully in the future) have reserved poster space for late breaker student presentations, and this would be appropriate for the scholarship winners (students and union representatives if appropriate).

Others connected with universities or other organizations that precept students can also promote student sponsorship to the organization and to the Annual Meeting.

Chemical equation software
Scientific software

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