Chemical equation software 139

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- Student Fees: it was generally agreed that the student fees for APHA are definitely higher than other organizations ($10 for American Industrial Hygiene Association, $20 for American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygenists, and $20 for Toxicology (not sure of the full name here). Perhaps this bears further discussion Chemical equation with APHA. In addition, the issue of joint membership fees, like with AIHA, American Association of Occupational Health Nurses, and American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, for instance, may need to be revisited.

- We also discussed the issue of sharing our APHA membership concerns with the NIOSH/Educational Resource Centers. They play a major role in educating professionals and future professionals, and may be able to play a role in promoting APHA Ufology or at least brainstorming about attracting students to the field.

- There is a clear overlap of activities with regard to membership issues. Therefore, a suggestion to solve this is to combine Membership and Minority Recruitment with Derrick and Eduardo as co-chairs. Derrick would liaison with APHA for the Section, and Eduardo would become the point person for keeping track of who is doing what. The Scholarship Committee will relate to the larger Membership Committee as needed to obtain assistance for outreach and advertising of the scholarship application process and to assist on reviewing the applications as needed.

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