Math software 152

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This state–by–state grassroots campaign has been necessary due to a continuing lack of leadership at the U.S. federal governmental level. It would be much simpler to amend the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard to require Math software the use of the most effective safer needle and other sharps devices — not trying to pass 50 separate and frequently quite different state laws. Federal action has been slow and tentative:

- CDC has long resisted doing more regarding safer medical devices, most recently in its failure to include safer needle information in the 1998 edition of its Infection Control Manual for Healthcare Personnel, Ufology citing “space limitations.”

- NIOSH has done more. This past fall NIOSH issued an “Alert on Preventing Needlestick Injuries in Health Care Settings.” NIOSH is also making grant funds available to study the effectiveness of recently passed safer needle laws. This research is critically important, as we are beginning to learn that many of the so-called “safer” needles are nothing more than retrofitted conventional needles. Too many of these products have been rushed to production and are poorly designed.

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